Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Army: Sociology and Team Leader

By Groves, Ian, L The significance of being on schedule and correspondence With initiative on the primary level This paper will disclose to you why it is basic to be convenient and furthermore to keep great correspondence with your administration predominantly at the main level. This paper is an outcome to not appearing on an ideal opportunity to a development, and neglecting to tell somebody what was happening. So now this paper will clarify the significance of the manners in which somebody could keep it from transpiring. Being late makes individuals look awful and reflects upon the individuals accountable for them.Leaders are responsible for ensuring the individuals they are accountable for are making the best decision consistently and keeping them settled up. It is significant and basic that one be on an ideal opportunity to arrangements, briefs and whatever else they are booked to do that day in such a case that somebody misses a brief or meeting they could miss significant data, each crucial a beginning stage and if your higher-ups reveal to you that is the point at which they need to kick stuff off. On the off chance that you’re late that could mean doing push-ups Also, if you’re past the point of no return for obligation you’re thought about AWOL (missing without leave).Usually one should attempt to be early in light of the fact that being early, is in every case better than being late, it likewise considers decidedly you as an individual, in your group head and anybody accountable for them since you are an impression of your group chief and anything he educates you. It makes you and them look and appear to be settled up and on their game and not a lethargic unmotivated slime ball. So in the event that you need to dazzle your upper hierarchy of leadership it would be a smart thought to be in any event on schedule if not early. You’ll look great and dazzle individuals ideally the privilege people.This paper will likewise disclo se to you the significance and hugeness of keeping great correspondence among you and your group head at the primary line level. â€Å"The reason for correspondence is to make new or better mindfulness. Successful correspondence infers the away from of vision and qualities so as to all the more effectively accomplish your goals†, keeping a decent correspondence with your group head is somewhat similar to being on an ideal opportunity to an arrangement, you could miss significant data that your group chief puts out, it could be fundamental data like when to appear for a development or brief.All you needed to do was contact your group head before the development time and let him know/her you were running late and none of this would have occurred. You would even now get in a difficult situation for being late, however not so much. Correspondence with administration and being on time additionally goes further, even right to armed force esteems. â€Å"Army Values† isn't sim ply an expression for how individuals from the Army should act; they are what our identity is. We imitate the seven Army Values since they are the standard for conduct, in the Army, however in any arranged society†.Communication and devotion is being dedicated to your group chief and mentioning to him what is happening. Trust and correspondence resembles your group head believing you to speak with him and you believing that your group chief will convey and get all of you the data you need. On a significant crucial is your obligation to get significant data to your group chief so you can get a strategic with as meager or no setbacks as could be expected under the circumstances. Regard and correspondence is having enough regard for your group chief to mention to him what is happening since he needs to realize what is happening and not letting him know would be disrespectful.Well I believe I have my point across with correspondence and the military qualities, there is practicalit y and how it includes the military qualities, It is your obligation to be on time since it could mean awful results, envision you were moving some clinical supplies to individuals who required it and you were past the point of no return. it could mean losing lives. Respectability and practicality is having the honesty to tell your group head if you’re running late and assuming liability for being late. in this paper I have disclosed to you the significance of being on schedule and correspondence even at the most reduced level.By revealing to you this data It ought to have caused in convincing you to be ideal and speak with others. in this paper there are cites that have been refered to for validity. This is the significance of time the executives and correspondence basically on the principal line level. Correspondence is significant. Time the executives is significant. Continuously make the best decision Sources and citing’s . â€Å"The reason for correspondence is to make new or better mindfulness. Viable correspondence infers the away from of vision and qualities so as to all the more effectively accomplish your goals† Pagonis, William G. lieutenant general â€Å"The Importance of Communication. †Ã‚ The Importance of Communication. Blackhawk Consulting Group, n. d. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. <http://www. about initiative. com/significance of-correspondence. html>. . â€Å"Army Values† isn't just an expression for how individuals from the Army should act; they are what our identity is. We imitate the seven Army Values since they are the standard for conduct, in the Army, however in any arranged society†. â€Å"TRADOC News Service. †Ã‚ TRADOC News Service. N. p. , 23 Mar. 2006. Web. 15 Sept. 2012 <http://www. tradoc. armed force. mil/PAO/ArmyValues/ArmyValues. htm>.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Florida- Blind, Deaf, and Dumb Essay Example for Free

Florida-Blind, Deaf, and Dumb Essay Coleman definitely knew one thing without a doubt about his future, and that was that he needed to make teaching youngsters his life’s work. Coleman thinking about the absence of instructive declarations in Florida chose to accept the open door to advantage, by keeping in touch with Governor William D. Bloxham requesting a total of $20,000 least assignment to begin a school for the hard of hearing and visually impaired. Coleman’s trusts worked out as expected when in 1883 Florida’s assembly builds up an establishment for visually impaired and hard of hearing kids for a long time at ,000. The area of the school was put to an awaiting between the towns in Florida. Commander Edward E. Vaill offered St. Augustine the greatest offer of $1,000 and 5 sections of land. The first three wood structures were raised by temporary worker William A. MacDuff at $12,749. The school was finished in December 1884. The top of the line entered in 1892 with 62 understudies. The two first alumni were both hard of hearing, their names were Artemas W. Pope of St. Augustine and Cora Carlton of Island Grove. The two later wedded and became guardians of Florida Senator Verle A. Pope. The primary visually impaired understudy graduated in 1908. The primary African American alumni were Louise Jones a visually impaired understudy in 1914, and Cary White a hard of hearing understudy in 1925. The school initially just had 5 trustees in 1905, until 1963 were there were 7. Taylor Hardwick started development on new quarters in late 1958 and opened in 1959. The school is currently the biggest of its sort in the U. S. The school currently has 47 structures and 72 sections of land. The school’s yearly financial plan is over $30 million dollars. The schools not, at this point a life experience school at the same time, presently a government funded school. It’s the main school in Florida that is pre-school through twelfth grade. It likewise has a post-auxiliary program. The school is licensed by the Southern Association of Colleges, and Schools. The Conference of Education Administrators serving the hard of hearing, and the National Accreditation Council for Agencies Serving the Blind and outwardly impeded. The school has two divisions: the Deaf office, and the Blind office. The school additionally has outreach programs for guardians, educators, and other staff in little and provincial school regions in Florida. The additionally has a human services community nearby for understudies, just as two all around designated assembly halls. The school flaunts the Copeland entertainment and wellness focus, which is exceptionally planned and developed for the visually impaired. The inside is the site of the yearly USABA’s youth national goalball competition. That as well as visually impaired secondary school understudies get best in class sound framework inside the school. The school has 11 games you can join at the school: Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Little League Baseball, Track, Cross Country, Swimming, Goalball, Wrestling, and Cheerleading. They have preforming expressions gatherings, the hard of hearing division has a voyaging move troupe, and the visually impaired office has a band known as the OuttaSight. The school additionally has a few clubs: the visually impaired skier, scholarly bowl group (serious), and a voyaging math club called MathCounts. - Notable Alumni-* Ray Charles-He figured out how to peruse braille here. At the point when he went to the school it was known as the Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb. * Ashley Fiolek-A very notable rider in motocross dashing. * Marcus Roberts-An acclaimed Jazz piano player. - My Perspective-I truly appreciated inquiring about and composing this article. Initially the paper should be pretty much all hard of hearing society related things in Florida in any case, as I began something that kept springing up was the Florida school for the Deaf and Blind. Since it kept springing up I tapped on it and was flabbergasted that it was in St. Augustine (which is the place I would go for spring break), and that it was the most seasoned school for the hard of hearing in Florida. Out of nowhere I realized that I wasn’t doing my task on the hard of hearing society in Florida yet rather a specific school for the hard of hearing in Florida. At that point I understood I needed to settle on a choice; the schools name is the school for the Deaf and Blind. Which means I would need to choose if I needed to do my venture on the school all in all which implies the Deaf and Blind, or simply the Deaf office. As you definitely know (in light of the fact that ideally you read the paper) I decide to both. The explanation I decide to do both is in such a case that I’m composing (or composing) this paper about the school than I’m going to expound on the school in an entirety. At the point when I saw the school face to face was the point at which I at last acknowledged exactly how huge 47 structures and 72 sections of land is. the school is enormous and seemed as though it could swallow are school times two. I wasn’t ready to go into the school. I was likewise astonished that I didn’t see that numerous individuals who were either hard of hearing or visually impaired from what I could tell at any rate. I do recollect seeing this one young lady who was hard of hearing two or multiple times, I figure she may have been a vacationer however on the grounds that I saw her at a place of interest. The first occasion when I state her we were sitting opposite one another at an eatery. My father continued advising me to go say hello there, and I swear I disclosed to him a million times that I couldn’t and that it would be viewed as impolite. All things considered I feel very satisfied with what I thought of for this paper, and I trust you are as well.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morisson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morisson - Essay Example It delineates the kind of cliché networks we live in and the unpredictable family settings that shape the textures of the advanced society. Pecola, hailing from Ohio, sets to see the world through an alternate pair of eyes. Therefore, she dives herself into the imperfections of confused recognitions that drives her not far off of disappointment. The new blue eyes that she fantasies about helping us to see the standards and custom of magnificence without interruption in the lines of racial isolation. Morrison keeps the peruser charmed to the acknowledgment of the realities that structure the center of our general public for such a significant number of years. He utilizes the topic of excellence to concentrate on the outcomes of the choice made by Pecola. Incredibly, the manner in which the general public acknowledges human pride by as per the assignment of good materials or procurement. Probably, those esteemed lovely show signs of improvement risks throughout everyday life, and that is the essential main impetus for Pecola (Mbalia 28). She accepts that magnificence lies in the ownership of light hair and blue eyes. Toni Morrison catches the disgrace that we grasp and questions its validity as the main method for acknowledgment of some degree of excellence in the general public. Since the commencement, the general public regards everybody as equivalent however that perfect case stops to exist when in a genuine circumstance. Its contents sparkle strongly in the books of writing, state and government laws. Unexpectedly, the acts of the general public are altogether unique in relation to the works in the books. Pecola speaks to a segment of the network that flourishes to discover a feeling of having a place in an extremist society. On the other hand, Claudia was the opponent as per a mind-blowing narrative (Mbalia 30). She developed to be enamored with herself and glad for whom and what life made her. Unmistakably, she grasps her life and legacy that shows how incredible magnificence plagues upon somebody that grasps it. Claudia

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Professional Research Papers Online

Professional Research Papers OnlineResearch papers are a valuable part of the student's academic progression. This can be an essential source of knowledge to prepare for a career in academia or science. A good research paper could give insight to the student and could be used as an example in future educational processes. However, with the current economic climate there is an increase in demand for business management degree holders and student graduate.With so many job openings that require a PhD in business management, having the right qualifications may not be easy. There are some tips that will help you obtain all of the necessary qualifications for your degree including research papers online.One thing to note when searching for research papers online is that the majority of these will only offer you the option to get them over the internet. This means that you will have to pay for the right to access the material which is expensive for the student. If you choose to only access the material over the internet then you will probably be limited to the course choices that are offered online.Online research papers are now becoming more common, but they are much more expensive than the equivalent paper that you find on a standard library website. The advantage of going this route is that you can print and mail them out or do a certain amount of research beforehand. You will need to pay to access a specific number of articles that you will need for your dissertation.A good quality research paper requires you to produce something that is peer reviewed. This means that the information contained within should be put through a process where the views of several individuals are weighed in order to determine if it is valid and useful. The higher quality research papers will require many more people to write their opinions.There are plenty of freelance writers available who will write research papers for the student. The problem with this approach is that most of the ti me they will only produce research papers for a fee, however, you can expect to pay more than the average student should you get their services. The freelance writer will generally have their own limitations when it comes to the information they can create.Finding professional research papers online is easier than ever before. There are plenty of methods to find the required information needed for your research paper.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne - 2044 Words

The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne was set during the 1600s in a New England town during what is now known as the Puritan past of America. In the novel, the Puritan religion was not only observed but criticized as well. During this time, the Puritans were an extremely religious group of Protestants that were known for their intolerance of other religions and their strict guidelines for a righteous lifestyle that often lead to violence or cruel forms of punishment. Nathaniel Hawthorne is a perfect portrayal of a Puritan historian because he himself was born as a Puritan and witnessed first-hand the extreme pressures associated with the Puritan religion to include arguments about the Puritan society and the treatment endured within the religion. Although The Scarlet Letter was set in the 1600s, the novel was written in the 1840s and dealt with issues during the Antebellum Era specifically when it came to the Women’s Movement and the Second Great Awakening. In The Scarlet Letter, the Puritan inspiration, religious language, and association between Godly doings and evil done by the devil are due to the author’s background and sets up the framework of the setting. Born into the Puritan religion, Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a primary source of information about the persecutions that occurred due to the Puritan religion and how there was no separation between Church and State. Hawthorne was able to highlight how the Puritans were persecuted in England because they wereShow MoreRelatedThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1242 Words   |  5 PagesLYS PAUL Modern Literature Ms. Gordon The Scarlet Letter The scarlet letter is book written by Nathaniel Hawthorne who is known as one the most studied writers because of his use of allegory and symbolism. He was born on July 4, 1804 in the family of Nathaniel, his father, and Elizabeth Clark Hathorne his mother. Nathaniel added â€Å"W† to his name to distance himself from the side of the family. His father Nathaniel, was a sea captain, and died in 1808 with a yellow fever while at sea. That was aRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne960 Words   |  4 Pages3H 13 August 2014 The novel, The Scarlet Letter, was written by the author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was published in 1850 (1). It is a story about the Puritan settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, set around 1650 (2). The story is written in the third person with the narrator being the author. The common thread that runs through this novel is Hawthorne’s apparent understanding of the beliefs and culture of the Puritans in America at that time. But Hawthorne is writing about events in a societyRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne919 Words   |  4 Pagessymbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†. Symbolism is when an object is used in place of a different object. Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most symbolic writers in all of American history. In â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, the letter â€Å"A† is used to symbolize a variety of different concepts. The three major symbolistic ideas that the letter â€Å"A† represents in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter† are; shame, guilt, and ability. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, the firstRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1397 Words   |  6 PagesFebruary 2016 The Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850 which is based on the time frame of the Puritans, a religious group who arrived in Massachusetts in the 1630’s. The Puritans were in a religious period that was known for the strict social norms in which lead to the intolerance of different lifestyles. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the puritan’s strict lifestyles to relate to the universal issues among us. The time frame of the puritans resulted in Hawthorne eventually thinkingRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne999 Words   |  4 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne is the author of the prodigious book entitled The Scarlet Letter. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne commits adultery with Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Her husband, Roger Chillingworth, soon finds out about the incident after it becomes clear that she is pregnant. The whole town finds out and Hester is tried and punished. Meanwhile, Roger Chillingworth goes out then on a mission to get revenge by becoming a doctor and misprescribing Dimmesdale. He does this to torture DimmesdaleRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne1037 Words   |  5 Pagesthat human nature knows right from wrong, but is naturally evil and that no man is entirely â€Å"good†. Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of the classic novel The Scarlet Letter, believes that every man is innately good and Hawthorne shows that everyone has a natural good side by Hester’s complex character, Chillingworth’s actions and Dimmesdale’s selfless personality. At the beginning of the Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne is labeled as the â€Å"bad guy†. The townspeople demand the other adulterer’s name, butRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1517 Words   |  7 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne composes Pearl as a powerful character even though she is not the main one. Her actions not only represent what she is as a person, but what other characters are and what their actions are. Hawthorne makes Pearl the character that helps readers understand what the other characters are. She fits perfectly into every scene she is mentioned in because of the way her identity and personality is. Pearl grows throughout the book, which in the end, help the readers better understandRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1488 Words   |  6 Pages In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the main character, Hester Prynne, is a true contemporary of the modern era, being cast into 17th century Puritan Boston, Massachusetts. The Scarlet Letter is a revolutionary novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne examining the ugliness, complexity, and strength of the human spirit and character that shares new ideas about independence and the struggles women faced in 17th century America. Throughout the novel, Hester’s refusal to remove the scarlet letterRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1319 Words   |  6 PagesPrynne and Arthur Dimmesdale are subject to this very notion in Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. Hester simply accepted that what she had done was wrong, whereas Dimmesdale, being a man of high regard, did not want to accept the reality of what he did. Similar to Hester and Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth allows his emotions to influence his life; however, his influence came as the result of hi s anger. Throughout the book, Hawthorne documents how Dimmesdale and Hester s different ways of dealingRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1714 Words   |  7 PagesSome two hundred years following the course of events in the infamous and rigid Puritan Massachusetts Colony in the 1600s, Nathaniel Hawthorne, descendant of a Puritan magistrate, in the 19th century, published The Scarlet Letter. Wherein such work, Hawthorne offered a social critique against 17th Massachusetts through the use of complex and dynamic characters and literary Romanticism to shed light on said society’s inherent contradiction to natural order and natural law. In his conclusive statements

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Illegal Immigration Is Necessary For American Society

Illegal Immigration is currently flooding the labor market, primarily in the low-skill, low-wage sectors, and driving down wages and working conditions for many Americans because of our immigration policies. As a result, illegal immigrants have a negative effect on the economy as they do not pay taxes and take benefits they do not deserve. The extent of illegal immigration has reached such enormous proportions that a reform of the immigration is vitally necessary for American society. It is not tenable that such a large part of a society s life contains an irregular and illegal element, and it is necessary for large numbers of these immigrants to have their lives and their contributions legalized and regularized. A third reason for legalizing illegal immigrants is that everyone deserves equal rights as human beings. Many people migrate from their own country to the United States because they seek better opportunities, freedom, and rights. An example is Mexicans, they account for more than half of the illegal immigrants in the United States with a number of 6.1 million people. Almost half of Mexico s population lives in poverty, which is one of the major factors for why Mexicans migrate, they wish to provide for their family and for some the only way to do that is by finding work in the United States. It would be useful to consider the downside of implementing strict immigration laws. Many people argue that the immigrants are usually skilled labor and they help increaseShow MoreRelatedShould Immigration Be Legal Or Illegal?1701 Words   |  7 Pagesof Immigration is certainly a complex and touchy subject. Moreover, that of Illegal Immigration is vehemently controversial. However, when it come s to exercising judgment on the subject and formulating a stance there are de facto only two approaches: a sentimental optimistic approach or a business like realistic approach. According to an article by Immigration specialist Charles Hirschman the general optimistic assertion is that Immigration be it legal or illegal strengthens American society andRead MoreEssay On Immigration Reform835 Words   |  4 PagesImmigration Reform Migration occurs around the world and people migrate because of tourism, better opportunities, safety from wars and other natural disasters. The United States of America is one of the countries that accept immigrants or aliens from everywhere in the world and former president Obama supports this argument in his speech that â€Å"For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations† (Obama, 2014, pRead MoreThe Face Of Education And The Changes It Has Undertaken Throughout History1425 Words   |  6 Pagesalters the fabric of the American society. To provide an educated workforce for the future has been the job of educators for centuries, but with a greater immigration movement and presence, an educator s’ ability is limited and the fate of such children are left to suffer. Pulling from America’s position as a â€Å"melting pot† of different cultures and people, students should not be subjugated to poverty and educational ignorance just because of their status as an â€Å"illegal immigrant,† a distinctionRead MoreWhat Are You Going?1637 Words   |  7 Pagescitizen of the country has immigrant ancestry, with the exception of the Native Americans. One may question why the immigrant history of this country is one of the qualities that makes it so unique. Still, large numbers of individuals from other countries come to the US every year to seek benefits and to fulfill their American dream. Illegal immigration has been a widely discussed topic in politics in the US. An illegal immigrant is a non-citizen who has entered the United States without governmentRead MoreImmigration On The United States1302 Words   |  6 PagesImmigration Rights in the U.S. Immigration has occurred in the U.S. for for many years. Some say it’s the foundation of our country. America is the country where people leave their own country to live. People would leave due to mistreatment, hunger issues or job opportunities. America is known for starting over or accomplishing dreams, so immigrants travel over to follow those dreams. People emigrate from one country to another for a variety of complex reasons. Some are forced to move, due to conflictRead MoreIllegal Immigration From Latin America Is On The News All1095 Words   |  5 PagesIllegal immigration from Latin America is on the news all the time in the United States, almost a daily basis on the main network channels. From President Trump calling for a wall on the Mexican-American border, to major cities like New York and Chicago declaring themselves sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. Both sides seem to throw out labels without care for the truth, or opinions that differ from their own. Withou t a common understanding of what the facts are, it is difficult to be able to createRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The United States1548 Words   |  7 PagesIllegal immigration has almost always been a part of the United States. There seems to be a neverending amount of people who believe in the â€Å"land of opportunity†, the home of the free and the brave. However, it seems that some may be more opportune than others. Illegal immigrants come to America with hopes and dreams of living a better lifestyle than the one that they currently possess. Currently, the American citizenship process is antiquated and not suited to fit a modern United States of AmericaRead MoreA Rogerian Analysis of the Debate over Arizonas Immigration Law1493 Words   |  6 PagesDebate over Arizonas Immigration Law 1. An introduction to the problem and a demonstration that the opponents position is understood. Americas illegal immigration problem is one of the most remarkable failures of the U.S. federal government. Undocumented illegal immigrants, many in our very own neighborhoods, are able evade the reach of our nations laws and regulations with remarkable ease. This is a huge source of anxiety for many tax-paying Americans, who perceive illegal immigrants as a strainRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1418 Words   |  6 PagesAn illegal immigrant, who works for their keep in an unknown country, contributes to taxes, stays out of trouble, and just wants a better life in a foreign country, on unknown land should be recognized for their contribution to that particular society. An illegal immigrant is a person who migrates to a different country in a way that is in violation of the immigrant laws of that country. Immigration has been a divided topic for many years in America- illegal immigrants are sometimes seen as a burdenRead MoreEssay Granting Illegal Immigrants Citizens hip 1247 Words   |  5 PagesAn illegal immigrant, who works for their keep in an unknown country, contributes to taxes, stays out of trouble, and just wants a better life in a foreign country, on unknown land should be recognized for their contribution to that particular society. An illegal immigrant is a person who migrates to a different country in a way that is in violation of the immigrant laws of that country. Immigration has been a divided topic for many years in America- illegal immigrants are sometimes seen as a burden

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Preventing Disease and Promoting Health

Question: Describe about the Probiotic as a Vehicle of Preventing Disease and Promoting Health? Answer: Introduction Lilly and Stillwell in the year 1965 coined the term probiotic that is actually derived from a Greek word meaning prolife. Probiotics have been defined and redefined over the years. Focussing on the impact of Probiotics on health, we can define it as viable and specific microorganisms in definite concentration, used as a dietary supplement or adjuvant to modify the host gut microflora by colonising and thereby imparting its beneficiary role in providing a balanced nutritional and microbial condition and thereby improved immunity (Mine, 2014). Examples of probiotic organisms From the endpoints of health and disease, several microbes of different genera and species have been studied and are being used as Probiotics. Mostly naturally occurring microbes are used and the research on the efficacy on genetically modified microbes is still on therefore its usage is limited. Presently, bacteria and yeast are being mostly used as Probiotics. The most commonly used bacteria in preparation of Probiotics are the group of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) which include the species of Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Streptococcus; others are Escherichia coli, Bifidobacterium, Propionibacterium, Bacillus and Bifidobacterium. The most commonly used yeast is Saccharomyces cereviseae (Moore, 2011). Health benefits of Probiotics are enlisted below: Treatment for lactose intolerance(Rauch and Lynch, 2010 Increased vitamin B12 production Development of enhanced immunity Resistance against pathogenic organisms Improved bowel condition Treatment of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Reduced risk of Colon cancer Reduced vaginal infection Reduced incidence allergic diseases Reduced release of cancer associated faecal enzyme Help in significant reduction in cholesterol levels Promotes better health Criterias for selecting a microorganism as a probiotic strain are: Should have a beneficiary role on the host Should have colonisation potential in the host gut epithelium Should have the ability of insitu survival and to stabilize intestinal microflora Should not have any toxic effect on the host (Reid, et al 2006) Should have the ability to produce antimicrobial substance against pathogenic microbes Should have high efficacy level Should have the ability to form stable population number in food products Should not produce any toxic products in the food preparation Should have long term viability throughout its shelf life in food preparation Probiotics are now widely used in the preparation of fermented foods. It finds its vast usage in diary fermentation industry for preparation of cheese, yoghurt and even ice creams. Yogurt is yet another popular food item, and according to the research studies ranks first among the probiotic foods items. Apart from the diary products, there are other probiotic based fermented foods relished around the world. Some of them are Miso, traditionally of Japanese origin, delicious probiotic rich soup. Kefir, another fermented diary product made from goats milk and kefir grains, makes it an excellent probiotic drink. Kombucha, a type of fermented tea is excellent in reducing weight and energising an individual. Other fermented delicacies include tempeh, kimchi, natto green pickles, poi and even microalgae finds its way in preparation of smoothies (Beena Divya et al. 2012). Apart from the use of probiotics in fermented foods, they are also widely used in non-fermented food products like in fruit and vegetable based drinks, a few examples of which are non-fermented blackcurrent juice, carrot juice, green coconut water, probiotic banana puree, noni juice and others. Some non-fermented soy based foods are also available like soy based frozen desserts. A number of non-fermented probiotic food items and drinks are also obtained from cereals like oats, rice, maize and others. Probiotic or synbiotic Sometimes probiotics are often confused with prebiotics. Prebiotics are completely different from probiotics as it does not involve any viable microorganism and is actually a non-digestible dietary fibre, which positively effects the health of the host by providing favourable condition in the colon, enhancing the intestinal flora growth and survival and thereby preventing any bowel disorders, colon cancers, improper lipid metabolism and inadequate mineral absorption. The most common form of probiotic found is inulin, which is readily available in various vegetables like garlic, onion, and asparagus. Probiotics and prebiotics when used together have a synergistic effect on the health of the host and are together termed as synbiotics. So more stress is given on use of synbiotics for enhanced health benefits and people are encouraged to include them in their daily food choices (The Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Human Health, 2013). Safety dose of probiotic It has been observed from various research studies that the visible impact of probiotics on health is dependent on its daily usage (Soll, 2010). Even today, there are no universal or national standards to determine the exact safe dose of probiotics to be used in the food products. Though several studies and research work has documented probiotics to be safe and non toxic to humans but there still remains a chance that in some individual some strains of probiotic might have a negative impact. Therefore, before incorporation of a new probiotic into food product, its safety as well as its efficacy should be carefully assessed by the food industry. Role of dieticians or nutritionists Strategy taken by the dieticians and nutritionists to help the patients Many dieticians and nutritionists help the patients to recover from their disease by prescribing them probiotic foods or supplement as a daily basis (Albuquerque,et al 2013). Dieticians sometimes recommend probiotics as a medicine for losing weight (Fragkiadakis, et al 2010) and for the improvement of oral health. Along with this nutritionist and dieticians recommend probiotics for improving vaginal health, to treat ulcers, urinary tract infection or UTI and protect against travellers diarrhea. Beneficial role of Probiotic Probiotics are nothing but friendly and helpful microbes which can be used in combating with bad or harmful microbes. The probiotic bacteria are able to ferment our food stuffs and can produce various types of byproducts. If a patient or a healthy individual is prescribed with probiotic then it will help the individual to promote a healthy life while it also control the infection. Efficacy of Probiotic in preventing and treating disease Recent studies and research suggests that probiotic foods can improve the human health along with immunization. A study reports that, some healthy worker were fed with probiotic supplement, Lactobacillus reuteri in a regular basis and some were not. After some time they were observed whether they fall sick or not. So it was revealed that those who were treated with probiotic statistically less likely to report about sickness but those who were not treated with probiotic were reported to produce illness or fall sick. Probiotics are reported to control and prevent diarrhea. Bifidobacteriaspp, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus GG andS. boulardii are the examples of probiotic which are reported to cure diarrhea. One research showed that Lactobacillus salivarius can reduce the growth of H. pyloriin, in vitro condition as it can produce high amounts of lactic acid(Cean et al., 2015). By the random use of antibiotic the microflora of gut becomes affected and the person may suffer from re duction in appetite. Probiotic bacteria are used to reduce the loss of intestinal microbial flora by regenerating the flora. Economical implication of Probiotic food Probiotic is a wide and fast growing business which may have annual global sales of about $42 billion by the 2016 (Ebm et al., 2013). There are various kinds of Probiotic food is available in the market but not all of them are actual Probiotic food supplement. Some of them are verified by the scientific evidence. There are so many example of probiotic food but the main fact behind this is that some of them do not contain the same effect which is being expected from a probiotic food. Like having yogurt on a regular basis does not give the adequate effect which is expectable. It would be very difficult decision to be made by the consumer to choose the best probiotic food or supplement from a so much options. The recommendation of buying the best probiotic product is that, to buy from a trusted company those shares readily all the information with the health care professionals as well as with the consumers. Side effects of Probiotic In general probiotic foods as well as probiotic supplement are considered to be a great health booster but it has some mild kind of side effects. The side effects mainly include bloating and mild gas. Some probiotic can adversely affect the metabolic pathway such as the carbohydrate metabolism or it can overstimulate the immune system. Therefore it can be recommended that any immune-compromised people with bowel problem should not consume any kind of probiotic. In case of pregnant ladies, infants and young children the probiotics should be given cautiously as there can be some side effects for the use of probiotic. But in case of premature infants its better to avoid the probiotic supplement. Differences between live active culture and Probiotic The common difference between live culture and probiotic are nothing but the live culture of bacteria includes only the bacterial culture suspension but the probiotic defines a bacterial culture within a food or supplement (Smith, 2012). The live bacterial culture, the bacterial cell remains alive but in case of probiotic the bacterial culture remains in dried and stabilized condition. Therefore in probiotic the bacterial or microbial culture used remain alive but in the dormant state and they start to grow when ingested and reach in the body system which are moist. Live bacterial cultures often associated with food supplement and generally not contain any kind of health benefits bur the probiotics are microbes which has been typically tested for beneficial effects on health. All probiotics are not same in their action There are different kinds of probiotics available in market but they are not same in terms of function. As the probiotics are defined in terms of the genus, species and strain like genus includes Lactobacillus, species includes rhamnosus; strain includes GG (Smith, 2012). These kinds of specificity actually say about the specification of the probiotic product. The probiotic product can be strain specific as the degree of specificity should be essential in describing the function. For example, the way in which Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG act that can be different from the way of L. rhamnosusGR-1. Risk associated with Probiotic treatment Bifidobacterium can be used as a probiotic but it is known that Bifidobacteria have been isolated from bacteremia patient and it is also known as to cause endocarditis. L. plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, L. casei, L. rhamnosus and different species of lactobacilli are found to cause endocarditis (Quigley, 2011). There is also a chance of production of d- lactate along with the development of lactic acidosis. Bifidobacteriumsp. and L. acidophilus are found to convert conjugated bile acid into secondary salts, which is nontoxic to our system. But in case of a person suffers from small bowel syndrome the conjugated bile acid can accumulate and can lead to malabsorption. Antibiotic resistance is another concern related to the probiotic treatment. This situation can take place when antibiotic-resistance gene are transferred from pathogenic bacteria to probiotic. Therefore there are many issues related to risks for the probiotic treatment. NHS trust strategy related to the use of Probiotic According to the NHS trust there are certain strains found in the bacterial genus which represent good evidence for use as probiotic that it can check Clostridium difficilediarrhoea and antibiotic associated diarrhoea. Therefore, if the probiotic containing this strains of bacteria are provided to the patients the negative effects can be reduced and along with this it will also prove to be cost effective. Conclusion This assignment concluded that probiotic proves to be very effective medicine which promotes health as well as immunity. Probiotics act without any side effect. It is nothing but some friendly and helpful bacteria provided with food supplement used for boosting health. But there is some area where probiotics should be used cautiously. Reference list: Albuquerque, A., Pontes, C. and Osrio, M. (2013). Knowledge of educators and dieticians on food and nutrition education in the school environment.Revista de Nutrio, 26(3), pp.291-300. Cean, A., Stef, L., Simiz, E., Julean, C., Dumitrescu, G., Vasile, A., Pet, E., Drinceanu, D. and Corcionivoschi, N. (2015). Effect of Human Isolated Probiotic Bacteria on Preventing Campylobacter jejuni Colonization of Poultry.Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 12(2), pp.122-130. Ebm, C., Cecconi, M., Moran, C., Rhodes, A. and Rahman, T. (2013). Cost implication of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and the financial impact of probiotic use in its prevention.Critical Care, 17(Suppl 2), p.P83. Erdman, S. and Poutahidis, T. (2014). Probiotic glow of health: it's more than skin deep.Beneficial Microbes, 5(2), pp.109-119. Fragkiadakis, G., Toutoudaki, M. and Tsatsakis, A. (2010). Anti-obesity drugs: The role of dieticians in monitoring side effects and toxicity.Toxicology Letters, 196, p.S101. Gawkowski, D. and Chikindas, M. (2013). Non-dairy probiotic beverages: the next step into human health.Beneficial Microbes, 4(2), pp.127-142. Harshitha, K., Kulkarni, P., Vaghela, R., Kumar Varma, V., Deshpande, D. and Hani, U. (2015). Probiotic and Prebiotic-probiotic PEC Microparticles for Sustaining and Enhancing Intestinal Probiotic Growth.Current Drug Delivery, 12(3), pp.299-307. Mekkes, M., Weenen, T., Brummer, R. and Claassen, E. (2014). The development of probiotic treatment in obesity: a review.Beneficial Microbes, 5(1), pp.19-28. Quigley, E. (2011). Probiotic Bacteria and Enteric Infections: Cytoprotection by Probiotic Bacteria.Gastroenterology, 141(5), p.1948. Smith, B. (2012). 1383 Improvement of Gut Microbiota After Probiotic Treatment of Premature Neonates for the Preventing of Necrotizing Enterocolitis.Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl 2), pp.A393-A394. Mine, T. (2014). What is Probiotics?.Journal of Probiotics Health, 02(02). Moore, A. (2011). A gut-full of good microbes. Bioessays, 33(8), pp.559-559. Rauch, M. and Lynch, S. (2010). Probiotic manipulation of the gastrointestinal microbiota.Gut Microbes, 1(5), pp.335-338. The Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Human Health. (2013).Journal of Probiotics Health, 01(02). Reid, G., Kim, S. and Khler, G. (2006). Selecting, testing and understanding probiotic microorganisms.FEMS Immunology Medical Microbiology, 46(2), pp.149-157. Beena Divya, J., Kulangara Varsha, K., Madhavan Nampoothiri, K., Ismail, B. and Pandey, A. (2012). Probiotic fermented foods for health benefits.Eng. Life Sci., 12(4), pp.377-390. Soll, R. (2010). Probiotics: Are We Ready for Routine Use? PEDIATRICS, 125(5), pp.1071-1072.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Royal Mail Essay Example

Royal Mail Essay Principles of providing administrative services Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.Please note that this Assessment document has 9 pages and is made up of 9 Sections. Name: Section 1 – Understand how to make and receive telephone calls 1. Complete the table below with descriptions of at least two different features of a telephone system and how / when they would be used. |Feature |How / when used | |1.On hold |This feature is used to hold incoming calls | | |This fea ture will be use while the correct recipient of the call is | | |located | | |This feature is used by pressing the hold button while getting the | | |right person extension number and check if the person is available | |2. Transfer |This feature enables you to transfer a call to another extension | |This feature will be use when someone doesn’t know the extension | | |they are after | | |This feature is used by pressing the transfer button. | 2. Prepare a brief report advising people on: †¢ How to follow organisational procedures when making and receiving telephone calls †¢ The purpose of giving a positive image of yourself and your organisation when making and receiving telephone calls.Making phone calls: being polite in all circumstances, remembering that you represent your organisation, , identify the caller, identify the caller’s needs ensuring that the messages for others are passed on as soon as possible, recording and supplying information accurately, giving the caller the best information possible . Receiving phone calls: answering quickly within 3 rings , introduce yourself and the organization, recognising information that must be kept secure and confidential, specify the outcome you want to achieve, identify who you are and the business you’re calling from. Even though the person at the other end of the line cannot see you, the manner in which you communicate presents an impression of you, your team and the business as a hole.It is important that you create a positive impression by: Speaking clearly Introducing yourself and greeting the person in an acceptable way Nor using slang Not being abrupt Making the caller feel that their call is important Ensuring that your tone of voice makes you sound positive and interested not bored or tired Presenting yourself in this way will create the impression that you are professional and customer-focused. This in turn will create a similar impression of the business. The cons equences of not doing so will be to lose potential or existing customers or clients. If possible, use specific information from procedures in your own organisation (or one that you are familiar with).Section 2 – Understand how to handle mail 1. Explain the purpose of correctly receiving, checking and sorting mail and packages (both incoming and outgoing). It is important to sort incoming mail in the manner that your business require will help not to lose any mail and every item will reach the correct person, it is important to date stamp and record any mail received if in case of a conflict you can prove. With the outgoing mail it is important to make sure that any enclosures are in the mail before sending, check the name , address on the mail , before sending need to ensure that the mail is dispatched according to its degree of urgency to reach on time.If mail and packages are not received and dispatched correctly : Information may be lost or send to the wrong person, items could be damaged, confidential information may be seen by unauthorised people, urgent enquires or request may not be dealt with in time, work could be delayed by incorrect franking, the organisation could lose potential and current customers or clients. 2. Complete the table below with the following information: †¢ At least two examples of internal mail services that are available to organisations †¢ At least two examples of external mail services that are available to organisations |Internal mail services |External mail services | |1. Reusable A4 envelops – this is what internal mail is circulated |1. Standard postal services and commercial couriers used for speed | |that are nsealed unless the contents is confidential marked as such|and security with Royal Mail | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2. Robust documents holders – in some legal business this containers |2.Packages and pallets some business are using this service for | |are used to provide more protection for the contents |local, national and international delivery with DHL, DPD, APC | | |overnight , Parcel Force, Fedex | | | | | | | | | | 3. Describe two methods that you can use to calculate postage charges for mail and / or packages. Postal charges for mail/packages are calculated according to a combination of the following : Weight – the staff at post office will weigh the parcel for the correct charge Size – size doesn’t affect you as long as you weight and pay the correct amount the staff at post office will tell you to place the parcel in a special bag or if is to big they will take it . Destination – national or international Urgency – first class, second class, courier delivery Value of the contents – recorded or registered delivery If your role involves sending mail you must ensure that postal charges are correct. Incorrect charges will affect the efficiency and profitability of the organization. Bering in mind any cost restrict ions imposed by the business organization you can compare two, three providers, use a comparison site. It helps to calculate postage charges by asking questions about the mail/package you sending out. After you can choose the best method for you and work out the cost of the postage. You can look at the delivery option available and select the most appropriate one.Section 3 – Understand how to use different types of office equipment 1. Describe the main types of equipment found in offices and how they are used. Include examples of at least three different types of office equipment. Computers are used for different purposes in different parts of the organization for example as word processors, for manipulating database, for publishing or computer modelling -Shredders – used for shredding paper work that is non useable follow guidelines about what should be shredded and when -Photocopiers – used to photocopy what is needed 2. Explain the purpose of following manuf acturer’s instructions when using equipment.If you do not follow instructions and damage occurs, the manufacturer’s warranty could be invalidated, you could endanger your health and safety and that of other people if you use equipment incorrectly, you are legally bound to follow training instructions provided by the employer, following manufactures ‘instructions will make efficient use of the machine, thereby saving money and minimising waste. 3. Explain the purpose of keeping equipment clean, hygienic and ready for the next user. If the equipment is left in an unfit state you will upset colleagues who use it next, you are legally obliged to maintain work equipment in a proper condition according to your employer’s instructions, if people have to spend time after you the efficiency and productivity of the business will be reduced, leaving equipment in an unfit state may put other people’s health and safety at risk, if you leave the equipment out of peration because of a fault , you should leave a note on the equipment so that other users will not try to use it and report what has happened straight away. Keeping the equipment hygienic will stop the spread of infections and the performance will be better than dirty equipment. The business will run smoother and everyone will be happy. Section 4 – Understand how to keep waste to a minimum in a business environment 1. Explain why waste should be kept to a minimum in a business environment. Wasted materials are a cost to the business so reducing waste saves money , by law waste materials as a result of making a product or delivering a service have to be stored and disposed of safely.Reducing waste therefore saves the cost of storage and transportation, minimising waste reduces the impact of the business on the environment by using fewer resources and reducing the environmental damage when disposing of it, there are legal requirements on all businesses to manage waste efficien tly to reduce environmental damage. A great deal of money will be spend on dealing with waste such as sorting moving and disposing of it, decreased competition comparing to other business, potential need to raise prices or look at reducing margins , delays causes by having wasted time and materials. Business that reduces waste will be more efficient, be more able to satisfy customers , be more likely to have a long term future. When using equipment it is important to keep it clean and hygienic which means free from dirt, germs, bacteria.For example food and drink should be kept well away from any equipment in case anything gets knocked over and causes damage. If you spill something on or near a piece of equipment you should clean up the spillage straight away. Make sure you know where cleaning products are located in your office and are familiar with the correct way to use them. 2. Identify at least two main causes of waste in a business environment. It is sometimes felt that office work has little impact on the environment because it is unlikely to pose a direct risk of pollution – unlike some manufacturing work. Nevertheless any business environment uses considerable amounts of resources.Main cause of waste in a business environment are stationery , energy and heating , human error , lack of training, failing to learn about what customers really want , over supply or under supply. One of the causes is ink and toner they are used up every time you print or photocopy a document so resume to print and copy essential documents . One other cause is electricity being used up all the time any electrical equipment is turned on . Leaving equipment running when nobody is using it, especially overnight is wasteful. Many types of electrical equipment have power-saving modes which can be set to activate as soon as a machine is idle for any time. Computer monitors should always be turned off at the end of the day as they use a large amound of energy. 3.How can you keep waste to a minimum in a business environment? Describe at least two ways of doing this. Printing or photocopying on both sides, reusing envelopes for internal mail, installing energy-efficient lighting, using electricity efficiently for equipment, minimising any transport cost. Using electricity efficiently – switching off lights and plugs before leaving, minimising any transport cost – having more than one person travelling by car and using public transport where possible. Section 5 – Know how to make arrangements for meetings 1. Complete the table below listing at least two different types of meetings and describing the main features of each type of meeting. Type of meeting |Main features | |Team, staff meetings |Involve business members assigned to a project who meet on regular | | |basis to discuss the progress of the project. In addition to team | | |members management often sits in the meeting keeping tracks of the | | |project progress. This can be w eekly monthly or on as needed basis. | |Management meetings |Administration and management get to discuss problems and situations| | |needing management attention.In the event that the only management | | |personnel attending of the company board of directors this meeting | | |is considered a board meeting. | |Briefing meetings |An informal meeting to update staff about a particular issue | | |attended by staff and the senior who does the update. | | | | 2. When arranging a meeting: †¢ What sources and types of information are typically needed? †¢ How should meetings be arranged?The sources of information needed for arranging a meeting are: Date time and duration The venue – where it is to be held Delegates – how many people are expected to attend What type of meeting it is – for example AGM, team meeting, conference or executive committee. This will determinate how the room is set out for example formal informal classroom boardroom or theatre. Wh at the agenda is Details of any proposed speakers and what equipment they might need if any. Any special requirements – for example disabled access or dietary Catering requirements – tea coffee , food Whether there is a budget allocated for the meeting Main Features |Type of meeting or committee | |Usually held every year to inform members or shareholders of |Annual general meeting | |previous and future activities | | |Has the power to take decisions that are binding on the organization|Executive committee | |Gives advices or makes recommendations |Advisory committee | |Is permanently in existence |Standing committee | |Is formed for a particular task and then disbanded |Ad-hoc committee | |Is part of a larger committee |Sub-committee | |Co-ordinates the activities of two or more committees |Joint committee | |An informal meeting to update staff about a particular issue |Briefing committee | |Regular meetings of the same group of staff who work in the same |Team m eeting | |area of the business | | Before the meeting you will need to: confirm the information you have already gathered such as the date, time and duration, prepare documentation needed such as the agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting, send out notice of the meeting, including date, time, duration and venue to delegates, along with the agenda and minutes.If any delegates are travelling to the meeting you may need to send travel information and directions, book the room or venue, taking account of any special requirements such as disabled access, or need for power points for equipment, Arrange any catering that is required, arrange seating in a way that is appropriate for the type of meeting, book any audio-visual or other equipment that is required and ensure that it is set up correctly and functions properly, ensure computer access if required. What you do during the meeting will depend upon your job role. It may include: taking the minutes, meeting and greeting delegat es, dealing with any special requirements, providing any sets of materials required by the delegates, attending to health safety and security issues, operating equipment, overseeing catering requirements.After the meeting it may include: distributing materials for delegates to take away, writing up the minutes or records of the meeting, delivering information to delegates by post or by hand. Section 6 – Understand procedures for organising travel and accommodation arrangements 1. Explain the purpose of confirming instructions and requirements for business travel and accommodation. If it is part of your job to arrange travel and accommodation for others in the business, you must always confirm instructions and requirements before making bookings. If instructions are not confirmed you might make bookings that are inappropriate not required or too expensive and you waste the business time.The purpose of confirming instructions and requirements for business travel and accommodati on is that you make sure there are no mistakes. 2. Complete the table below with an outline of the main types of business travel and accommodation arrangements that may need to be made and the procedures that should be followed when doing this. |Travel and accommodation arrangements |Procedures | |Train |Follow the organization policy and procedures, stick to the budget, | | |book tickets, onfirming times places names(make sure you ask for | | |the spelling of the place so you don’t make any mistakes , date of | | |birth, check distance to train station , 1st/2nd class, arrange | | |complimentary drinks lunch, wifi for extra work , is there necessary| | |a taxi from the train station to the destination, limit for spending| |Airplane |Follow the organization policy and procedures, book tickets, | | |passport details, insurance, confirming times places names, taxi | | |from and to airport, if the passenger has any food restrictions in | | |order to order the right meal, spendin g limit, stick to the budget | |Car |Follow the organization policy and procedures (different business | | |different procedures) find out the distance the cost of petrol if is| | |necessary to travel by car and if this version is cheaper. |Taxi |Follow the organization policy and procedures, confirming times | | |places names you can even compare two three taxi companies for the | | |cheapest one so you can be in the budget limit. | 3. Explain the purpose of keeping records of travel / accommodation arrangements in a business environment. Travel and accommodation arrangements that will need to be recorded are :the requirements of the staff members, research into different options, bookings, expenditure, discounts and refunds received, feedback. Keeping records of travel and accommodation bookings is important because they may e required : for future audit and accounting purposes, so that the whereabouts of staff is known, to enable expenses claim to be checked and paid , for future reference in relation to value for money, as a source of information for future bookings. This shows that the business is well organized. By keeping good records you will have an accurate financial information that can determinate future travel costs, the information can be easily access by different members of staff even if the person who did the bookings are not available, the organization can rely on the information they store for future reference regarding quality, cost etc. Section 7 – Understand diary management procedures 1. Briefly explain the purpose of using a diary system to plan activities at work. Give at least two reasons.In any business environment, no matter how big or small, diaries need to be used so that people know what they have to do and where they have to be at certain times. It is necessary to use diaries in a business environment because: the business cannot rely on people remembering meetings and appointments in their heads because there could be so much that needs to be done, arrangements are often made through other people such as secretarial staff, so the person concerned will not be aware of the arrangements unless it has been written down, diaries ensure that times and dates of meetings or appointments do not clash, diaries make sure that people’s activities are co-ordinated and do not overlap or duplicate – therefore enabling an efficient use of time and human resources . 2.Identify the information needed to maintain a diary system in the workplace. Information needed to maintain a diary system in the work place (always have in mind the 5W’s – who, what, when, where, why) are: who is coming to the meeting, people involved, what is the meeting about subject or type of appointment, when is the meeting dates and times, where is the meeting venue or place, why are you having the meeting. You may find that the diary systems are maintained by making new entries, inserting repeated appointments, and deleting or amending entries if there are changes. It is important that diaries are maintained correctly and kept up to date or the system will break down and planned activities will be disrupted.If it is part of your job role to manage diaries for other people, you must ensure that you inform them of the entries to the diary so that they can plan their activities. You must also ensure that any changes are communicated to the people who are affected so that their time is not wasted by turning up for an event that has been changed to a different time, date or place. The diaries of some people may be confidential. If you have to manage such a diary you will need to know security features such as passwords and observe procedures for maintaining confidentiality. Section 8 – Understand the purpose of delivering effective customer service and how to do so 1. What are the differences between internal and external customers in a business environment?Although customers are usually tho ught of as members of the public who buy products or services from a business, customers can also come from another part of the same organization. For example, large organizations may be divided into different sections that seek goods or services from each other. These could be parts of a product or service that your section produces and then passes on the section that needs it. Even your more immediate colleagues can be regarded as internal customers: team colleagues, supervisors, staff in other teams. Even though they may not be buying something from you , they are still customers for the services that make up your job. As with the external customers they will expect a high quality service and if you do not provide it , you may find out that your services are no longer required .External customers are people who require goods and services and will buy them from the business that provides them with what they want. Types of external customers differ depending on the nature of the bu siness environment , but could include: clients, patients, quests, visitors, individuals or groups, people of different cultures, ages, genders, races, people with disabilities, people with special requirements, external organisations, which are suppliers or buyers. In my work place I do get information about my clients from internal customers (senior support worker, service manager ) and from external customers (parents, social workers, GP’s) 2. Explain why customer service should meet or exceed customer expectations. Include at least three reasons in your answer.It is important to satisfy or exceed customers’ expectations for the following reasons : customers will return and buy more goods or services from the business , customers will spend money with the business, customers will recommend you to others, time will be saved dealing with complains, the reputation of the business will attract more customers, excellent service may enable the business to charge more for its products, the business will be competitive, enabling further growth and investments. 3. Explain the importance of building positive relationships with customers. Outline two ways in which this can be achieved. It is important for you to build positive relationships with your internal and external customers. If customers feel that they have a positive relationship with the people they deal with it will enhance the reputation of the business, encourage customers to repeat their business with your organization, increase customer satisfaction, make the business more competitive.The purpose of positive relationships is to retain current customers and attract new ones. Ways in which you can achieve positive relationships with customers are : knowing details about the product or service so that the customer feels confident about what you say to them, try to find ways of looking happy and positive when dealing with customers, making customers feel important and valued – for examp le , never giving them the impression that they are being a nuisance, or showing that you are bored or uninterested in what they want, helping them to meet their needs – for example , giving them advice if they are undecided about what they want, keeping any promises or commitments hat you make – for example about delivery times, products or services specifications or after sale services, dealing promptly with any complaints. 4. How do customers demonstrate their own needs and expectations? Customers show their needs and expectations by what they say and the questions they ask . Therefore you must listen carefully to their questions and requests. You have to be aware of how customers demonstrate their needs and expectations and respond positively to encourage customer satisfaction. Being aware to the additional needs and expectations in terms of: hearing or sight impairment, language difficulties, physical disabilities, learning difficulties.It will be helpful if the b usiness has a feedback form that customers can fill in and letting the business know the like and dislikes, the services they got etc so the business can analyze and improve , business can use surveys or get the information from former customers . Some other methods are focus form – where customers or potential ones are put into small groups and encouraged to discuss aspects of the products or services they buy. The aim of focus form is to identify any things that should influence current and future products or services . Customers complains – customers are offering clear insights into their needs and expectations. They will talk about what they wanted and expected and why they feel the need to complain.Section 9 – Understand the purpose of reception services and how to follow reception procedures 1. What is the purpose of the receptionist role as the first point of contact in a business environment? The receptionist is the first point of contact that customers or clients have with a business and the purpose of a receptionist is to receive visitors to the organization in a positive, professional and welcoming way. The role of a receptionist covers the following aspects: meeting and welcoming visitors, escorting visitors if necessary, ensuring that any necessary health, safety and security procedures are carried out, informing visitors or callers of ny security or confidentiality issues , making appointments and bookings, receiving and distributing mails, giving information to callers and dealing with any enquires. 2. Describe how a receptionist can present a positive image of themselves and the organisation and explain why this is important. In order to present the business in a positive and welcoming way a receptionist must present themselves and their work area in this way. They can do this by being aware of their personal presentation , verbal and non verbal communication, attitude, knowledge of the organization, reception work area. Th e purpose of presenting a positive image at reception is to create a good first impression and maintain an efficient and welcoming image of the business.To present a positive image of yourself and the organization you have to: -Have a good personal presentation – neat, clean, tidy, dressed appropriately for the job -Be aware of your verbal and non-verbal communication – use clear and correct speech. No use of slang or swear words. No use of familiar forms of address. Tone of voice should be even calm if the caller or visitor is angry or confused. Non-verbal communication should not suggest defence, anger or lack of respect. Do not fold arms or slouch. Eye contact should be normal – not staring or looking away. -Be aware of your attitude – should be helpful, positive, interested, and polite. -Your knowledge of the organization – you should know about the structure and personnel in the organization so that visitors or callers can efficiently directed to the right place. Transferring calls – ensure that the call is transferred to the correct person -Taking messages – messages should be taken accurately and be legible to the other people if handwritten. The purpose of presenting a positive image at reception is to create a good first impression and maintain an efficient and welcoming image of the business. 3. In relation to your own organisation (or one that you are familiar with), explain what must be done when carrying out entry, departure, security and confidentiality procedures in a reception area. Entry activities : unlocking, access to keys, authorised key holder , disabling alarms, switching on power, heating and equipment. Departure activities: locking up, depositing keys, setting alarms, setting CCTV, switching off power, heating and equipment.Security and confidentiality activities: signing people in and out, checking the purpose of the visit, issuing and collecting visitor ID, sitting computer screens out of public view, safeguarding any confidentiality documents in the reception area, disposing of any confidential material correctly , safeguarding personal information about employees. Entry and exit of visitors must be controlled according to procedures for reasons of health and safety and security. All visitors have to log in and log out in a log book when enter or leave the premises, register the car plates number in case they need to be contacted to move they cars, issue ID badges for visitors so they can easily be identified . Once you have completed all 9 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Essay on Student Education and Ground Rules

Essay on Student Education and Ground Rules Essay on Student: Education and Ground Rules UNIT 401 TASK A ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS A TEACHER The Role as a teacher could be an assessor, coach, counsellor lecturer, mentor, trainer or tutor. And responsibilities could be completing the attendance record, carrying out one to one tutorial, and review with learners, preparing and delivery teaching session. Teacher should be aware of the key aspects of current legislation, regulation and cods of practice relevant to subject and organisation and constantly updated. According to Ann Gravells, preparing to teach in lifelong learning sector. The Equality act (2006) has replaced the equal opportunities commission (EOC), the commission. A. On like every other profession, teachers has to be keep up to date with all legislation and codes of practice to remain current with knowledge and skills with all changes that has taken place. In the united kingdom today the legislation and code of practice are; 1 children Act (2004). Every child matter. Well-being is the act of define the five every child matters outcome. Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being 2 Code of professional practice (2008) is introduce by IFL. The code is based on seven behaviours: Professional integrity Respect Reasonable care Professional practice Criminal offence disclosure responsibilities during institute investigations Responsibilities 3 Copy right designs and patens Act (1988). This is adapting and distributing of material found via internet 4 Data protection act (1998) provide for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individual. 5 Education and skills act (2006) increase participation of learning for young people and adults 6 Equality act 2010 No discrimination within ono piece of legislation 7 Freedom of information act (2000) student have the opportunity to public information 8 Health and safety act work act (1974) HASAWA. This is impose to all staff within an organisation 9 Human rights act (1998) all people basic right 10 Protection of children act POCA (1999) POCA is designed to protect children 11 safeguarding vulnerable groups act (2006) is a barring scheme to make decision about who should be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults. 12 The further education teacher’s qualifications (England) Regulations (2007) this is a new qualifications for teacher and professional status for all teachers in the further education sector in England. Teachers must register with ILF and partake in CPD. a teachers hold be qualified and j=hold QTLS or ATLS status within five years if taking teaching position. 13 young people and adults. This is put in place for adult to have a basic and intermediate skills, giving adults a second chance to gain the skills they need in society and throughout their working lives B boundaries between teaching role and other professional roles are teachers are to know where there role as a teacher stops and working within the limits. The boundaries as a teacher are: identifying needs, planning learning, facilitating learning, assessing learner, quality learning, quality assurance and evaluation. After Identifying my student needs, I will need to refer them to other professional within the institution for assistance.primaryly referral are divided into two. Internal and external. Internal support service are specialist or agency that deals with the issues the teachers cannot deal with, like, accommodation officer, careers adviser, colleagues, counsellors, examination officers financial services staff, first aiders, health and welfare officers, information, advice and guidance staff, interpreters, learning support staff, mentors, student support staff and student union representatives. External support service are specialist or agency that deals with ,like awardi ng organisation, bank or building societies, carers, charities, childcare agencies, citizen advice bureau,

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The effects that globalization and technology on the job market Essay

The effects that globalization and technology on the job market - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Schumpeter’s article, â€Å"Angst for the educated†, talks about the new trends in the job market in relation to education. It has the notion that among people, education is the gate pass to a life of financial success and security in all parts of the world. This has made education, especially in the developed countries, to be highly regarded especially among the older generation. Most parents ensure that their children get university education because they believe that this is the way that they can increase the chance of getting a well-paying job.   Indeed, statistics show that educated people are expected to earn more money in their lifetime than their uneducated counterparts in the United States. The gap between the two keeps in increasing. There are now changes that are taking place the today world that is changing this. It is now emerging that this relationship between education and jobs is about to change due to n ew developments such as deregulation, globalization, and change in technology. The article highlights the effects that globalization has in the job market of the rich countries. Globalization has benefits such as increasing the market for company’s product thereby increasing job opportunities. The disadvantage, however, is the drain to developing countries. The graduates from universities of the rich countries have to compete with those of poorer countries. This has been enabled by globalization because firms are able to find employees from all over the world easily.... These graduates are willing to work more for less. Firms are finding it viable to switch to these countries in spite of the impact this has to the home countries. This is because the firms have to enhance their competitive advantage by lowering the costs of the firm. The other issue is the effect of technology on the job market. The article acknowledges that we are in age where technology is improving very fast. The technology is being used to perform tasks that were being performed by human beings, and, it is emerging that, in future, many of the jobs done by the educated people will be replaced by machines. This is mostly the repetitive jobs, therefore; the jobs that are likely to be affected are those in the mid level in factories. The new technology also enables an uneducated person to perform tasks that only an educated person could perform. This has greatly affected the professionals such as accountants where accounting programs are able to be handled by people with very little knowledge of accounting. Some of the jobs such that have been well paying and require high level of education such as medicine and law are also being affected. The effect of such jobs is in different forms but is due to advancement in technology. Some of the reason are due to the fact that the customers do not have to use the service of the these professions, for instance patients can get advice straight from the Internet on health, they, therefore, do not have to use a doctor for this service. This lowers the demand for doctors. Another reason is due to the outsourcing companies, for instance, many of the jobs in a hospital do not relate to treating patients alone. Just like in any other firm, the hospital has supporting functions such

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Should tablet computer replace the traditional Textbook Essay

Should tablet computer replace the traditional Textbook - Essay Example It is time globalization provided something positive to one of the internationally universal sector, academic (Reiss, 2013). Computer tablets are built to increase the efficiency of individual users. With respect to the amount of positive work they can accomplish, it is clear that their prices and usefulness provide a reasonable cost benefit tradeoff. On the other hand, the cumulative cost of all the textbooks needed for completing a course is high which makes the use of e-books cheaper. Although piracy is a crime in the US, the use of computer tablets enables different members of the academic sector to share the academic resources they have. For online courses, tuition fees paid to institutions allows students to have access to online library. With computer tablet, it is economical to access the virtual libraries rather than buying from online vendors (Rock, 2014). Being a student means being able to take notes, solve math problems, erase some errors from written text, draw in art class, and perform complex statistical analysis as coursework. All these activities require the student to have pens, pencils, calculators, and computers. Using a computer tablet combines all these factors together ensuring that the student spends less. Another reason as to why traditional textbooks should be replaced with computer tablets is because the production of textbooks involves the destruction of vegetation cover which suppresses the economy even further. Carrying heavy back packs has been associated with back issues such as injuries and lifelong complications. Carrying textbooks to and from school is an activity that largely contributes to back issues. However, the use of computer tablets resolves the issues associated with carrying heavy textbooks. Due to the small size and standard weight of 1 to 2 pounds makes tablet computers suitable for cutting back on back health issues (Tablets-Textbooks, 2014). In

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Learning Agreement Essay Example for Free

Learning Agreement Essay Instructions: * There are 4 parts to a Learning Agreement. You must remember to complete every section since marks will be awarded for each section. Sections in a Learning Agreement Remarks Marks Allocated Objective(s) This is where you determine What you want to learn from a particular department 15% Strategies The Strategies is where you determine How you are going to achieve your objective(s) or where you are going to get the information required to fulfill your learning. 15% Assessor Comments You will have to submit this to your Manager(s) for their comments and signature company stamp. (When submitting this to your manager(s), you need not show them the Students Reflections, just your objectives and strategies) 5% Student Reflections This is where you develop a report on your objective(s) this is where you can also develop the learning outcomes. 65% * No part of this report may be reproduced, in any form or by any means. Work submitted based on any of the examples may be awarded no marks. AN EXAMPLE OF A LEARNING AGREEMENT Student Name : X Placement : Human Resource Department Assessor : Ms A Subject Area : Health and Safety Objective To learn and observe the health and safety regulation used in R Company for its employees Strategies for achieving the objective * Discuss with the Human Resource Manager regarding the safety procedures provided by R Company * Tour around the office to observe any hazardous condition and safety procedures implemented in R Company * Discuss with the staff on their opinion about safety in R Company Target date of completion : Y Verification by Assessor and Comments [This is where you get your Manager/Assessor to comment about your performance in the area identified above and get him/her to sign ( stamped).] Signature Stamp _________________________________________________________ Students Reflections [This is where you write in detail about your objectives.] It is important that any company to provide a safe workplace for its employees. For many companies, safety is considered to be a very minor issue, but if one were to look at it closely, it plays a very important role to ensure a safe working environment. This is because a minor negligence in safety could lead to a major disaster. R Company being a company dealing with both local and foreign customers has to always take the effort to ensure that they provide safe and secure services to its customers. It is also necessary to provide enough safety for the employees working there. In my observation on the working condition in R Company, the safety here is awfully neglected. From my personally experience, I had injured my toe more than twice during my 5 months there. This is because all the files are allocated on the floor and due to the small walking space, it is easy for anyone to kick the files and causing injury. The first reason why the files are placed on the floor is because lack of space in the file cabinets. The second reason is because of the staff themselves, they place the files that they need on the floor around the desk. A condition such as this is hazardous to the employees because it will reduce that maneuverability in the company. The staff will have difficulty walking around and might injure themselves because of the files being placed on the floor. If in any case where there is fire, the employees will tend to rush out of the office. With the files placed on the floor, someone might trip and fall. Due to the rushing of all the employees, the victim might suffer major injuries and probably death. It is always important to keep all walk space clear of any obstacle and is wide enough for people to walk safely. This is to ensure that nobody would get trip and injure themselves while working or in an emergency case. The other thing that I observed in both branches of R Company in M City and N City is that they do not have a fire exit. The fire exit of N City branch is locked and blocked with boxes of old documents and brochures. I also noticed that they do not even have any fire extinguisher placed in the office. This shows that there are no proper safety procedures for the staff when there is an emergency situation. Fire escape routes are also not set and displayed in the office. Without these safety items in the office, it can be hazardous when there is a fire situation. The employees there do not know how to react during a fire, how to vacate the building during a fire and the knowledge of any fire fighting equipment placed in the premises. When I interviewed the Human Resource Manager regarding the practice of safety for the employees, I was shocked when he told me that this issue was never discussed. This is very disappointing because I believe many companies fail to see the importance to practice a safe workplace and concern about the welfare of its employees. Even though an emergency situation is unlikely to happen in a commercial office, it is very important that the staff know what to do when an emergency situation occurs. Firstly, it is important that the staff know how to react during a fire situation. This is because a fire accident could happen anytime without warning, therefore it is better to be prepared when it does happen. To be prepared for this, the fire escape route must be cleared. The management of the company should set up and display the emergency escape route all over the office. With this information displayed, the staff would know where to go during an emergency situation. The fire escape routes should also be cleared of any obstacles. This is to ensure an easy escape path and there are no difficulties using it. The office should also be equipped with fire extinguishers to combat any fire situations. This is because in most cases, a fire disaster can be avoided if it is dealt with immediately. With fire extinguishers placed around the office, a minor fire can be attended to before it gets out of hand. I noticed that in R Company there is no fire alarm system. It is important to install a fire alarm system to alert the staff in case of a fire situation because it could take just a few minutes for any fire to consume the whole building. Therefore it is best that all the employees are notified immediately by the fire alarm and able to vacate the premises as soon as possible. When all the facilities and procedures installed to combat a fire situation, it is also necessary to educate the employees on how to use them. A safety committee should be set up to continuously educate the employees on safety and how to react during an emergency situation. The committee is responsible to provide education to the employees on how to use the fire extinguisher, identify the different types of fire extinguishers available and which one is best to use in each type of fire cause. The committee can also conduct frequent audit of the workplace to ensure that all fire escape routes are not blocked and all fire extinguishers are easily accessible. By conducting audits, it is also possible to identify any fire hazard in the company and action could be taken before it turns into a disaster. R Company should also hold a fire drill twice a year to make sure that all employees know what to do if the fire alarm goes off. This is to avoid a panic situation which could cost lives. When the staff are educated with fire drills, they would know the correct procedure on how to vacate the building in an organized manner. The company should also provide training for a certain number of staff in First Aid. This is because if there is any accident that occurs in the workplace, the victim could be attended to immediately while waiting for the arrival of the ambulance. This is vital because in many cases, lives were lost because no immediate attention was given to them. This committee should also work closely with the fire department to learn any latest information regarding safety. They should also encourage frequent checking of the electrical wiring in the company because wires tend to wear off over the years. Even though the Tourism industry usually deals with tourists and giving them the best services available, it is also important to ensure that safety of the tourist. To do so it is best to start with the company. This is because without the concern of safety in the office, how it is expected that the safety of the customers can be guaranteed. Often many people overlooked the issue of safety in their working environment because it rarely happens, but bear in mind that accidents happen without a warning and it is always better to be prepared for it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Customer Relationship Management Essay -- Software Technology CRM Essa

Customer Relationship Management A relative of mine works for a corporate firm on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. He told me that their company is doing well with their CRM initiative while most of the other companies, using different software, are not achieving their goal of customer satisfaction. That gave me a big click of interest towards my research topic and I came up with a research questions as â€Å"How to avoid CRM failure?† and how to choose a best CRM software vendor? Customer Relationship Management is an interactive process for achieving the optimum balance between corporate investments and the satisfaction of customer needs to generate the maximum profit. CRM refers to management of all interactions with customers in which the enterprise indulges. Its main focus is on managing and optimizing entire customer lifecycle. The customer lifecycle revolves around marketing, sales and customer service. According to Jill Dyche (2002), CRM promises to help companies get to know their customers well enough to understand which ones to keep and which ones they should be willing to lose and why -and how not to overspend in the meantime. CRM also means automating many of the business processes and accompanying analysis and saving precious time in the bargain. Today’s companies are interacting with consumers at unprecedented levels and across different channels, such as E-mail, text chat, and multi-functional call centers. Marketing, sales and customer service are commonplace for CRM, so it is essential to acquire new customers and retain those who have high value, since customers have real value to the company’s success. And companies are pouring millions of dollars into customer relationship management, but most initiatives fail to deliver customer needs, so it is essential to have a proper analysis of CRM before choosing a particular vendor. The objective of good CRM is to increase the customer base by acquiring new customers and effectively serving the needs of existing customers. â€Å"The U.S. business-to-consumer e-commerce market is forecast to grow from $41.7 billion this year to $163 billion in 2004, and companies are realizing that customer relationship management will be a key driver of this growth, says Robert DeSisto, a VP with corporate consultant Gartner Group† (Jusko, 2001, p.12). Gartne... ...World Wide Web . Sullivan, Tom (2001, February). Software selection process. InfoWorld magazine. . Robert, M., Deanne, M., John, A. W. (2001). Emerging Technologies for Enhancing Supplier–Reseller Partnerships. Retrieved December 11, 2002 from World Wide Web 23&_cdi=5809&_orig=browse&_coverDate=02%2F28 2F2001&_sk=999699997&wchp=dGLbVzblSzBS& _acct=C000043018&_version=1&_userid=776986&md5=dc3b050988e40666b4698d136219cf4f&ie=f. pdf . Siebel systems (2002).Implementation best practices: Ensuring Customer success Retrieved December 11, 2002 from World Wide Web . Perkins, Bob. (2001). The Truth about CRM Software Satisfaction: Leveraging the Economy of Trust. Retrieved November 11, 2002 from . Hubley, Jen. (2002). Personalization tops privacy as key concern for e-mail marketers Retrieved December 12, 2002 from,289142,sid11_gci790282,00.html

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

History Quiz Essay

Religion plays a big role in the life of man. It gives us hope, faith and makes us believe that there is a Supreme Being out there that makes things possible for us. Religion has played a big part in our cultural, social, moral and even political history and is still continuing today. There are several religions being practiced all over the world today. Christianity ranks first having 2. 1 billion believers and followers, Islam is next having around 1. 5 billion Muslims and the third worlds largest is Hinduism. Majority of those who practice Hinduism come from India, as this is because Hinduism originated from this country. Hinduism is more of a way of life, as it has been incorporated in the Indian’s way of living and not just as a religion. The primary text of the Hindus are the collection of Vedas which contain hymns, incantations, and rituals, namely the Rig Veda, the Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and the Atharva Veda (Hinduism). There are several beliefs that encompass all forms of Hinduism. First is their respect for the authority of the Vedas and the Brahmans. The Brahmans are the source of all things and is found in all things hence like a Supreme Being (Hindu beliefs). They also believe in reincarnation and karma. For them, when a person dies, its soul is transferred to another being. This being may or may not be human in form; it may be an animal or an insect, depending on your behavior from your previous life. If you were able to be good and do things the Hindu way, you will have good karma, and your soul maybe transferred to a body of a human with high place in society. If you have bad karma, your soul might become trapped inside an animal or an insect or in the body of a slave. Hindus are also expected to pass through the four stages of their life successfully. First is to pass the brahmacharga, then the grashta, the vanaprastha and finally the sanngasu. In the first stage the individual is supposed to acquire knowledge and develop character and is usually experienced during the school age. The second stage, the grastha, focuses the middle years of your life on finding pleasures such as getting married and having a family and establishing a career. The vanaprastha is the stage to increase time in focusing on spiritual things and finally the sanngasu, the last years of one’s life offered for contemplation (Hindu Rituals and Practices). Buddhism ranks fourth, after Hinduism with 324 million followers. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama, the enlightened one. Gautama Buddha, after having several years of privileged living as a prince, he decided to live a solitary life of a hermit in the woods. There he dedicated his life to meditation, which is at the heart of Buddhism (What is Buddhism). Like the Hindus, the Buddhists also believe in reincarnation. The soul will be â€Å"recycled† and after some time, if the soul releases itself from worldly desires it can now achieve Nirvana, a state of freedom from liberation and suffering. Buddhism includes the three trainings or practices, the four noble truths, the five precepts and the eightfold path among its teachings. The three trainings or practices consist of the Sila, the Samadhi and the Prajna. Sila is the morality which is based on two principles, the principle of equality and reciprocity. Samadhi is the mental development which controls and strengthens the mind. And finally the Prajna, which is wisdom. Buddha’s four noble truths are as follows, the Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha and the Magga. The Dukkha tells us that there is suffering; the Samudaya says that there is a cause, the Nirodha, that there is an end to the suffering and the Magga, to end the suffering the eightfold path should be followed. Just like the Christian’s Ten Commandments, the Buddhists have 5 precepts, and these are: do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not misuse sex and do not consume alcohol or drugs. Finally, the eightfold path consists of the right understanding of the Four Noble Truths, right thinking, right speech, right conduct by following the Five Precepts, right livelihood, right Effort, right Mindfulness and right concentration, which is meditation (Buddhism based on the). Judaism ranks sixth with 14 million followers around the world. Majority of the Jews live in Israel, in the United States and in France. One of the oldest religions in the world, the Jews believe in an all-knowing divinity and that all things within that world were designed to have meaning and purpose as part of a divine order. The Jew’s sacred text is the Torah, and they are preached by a Rabbi. Their symbol is the Star of David and they do not allow the name or the spelling of their deity in full. They that the Ten Commandments are the most important teachings from the Torah: 1. I am the Lord your God 2. You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence 3. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain 4. Remember the day of Shabbat to keep it holy 5. Honor your father and your mother 6. You shall not murder 7. You shall not commit adultery 8. You shall not steal 9. Do not give false testimony against your neighbor 10. You shall not covet your fellow’s possessions The Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. For them, the Messiah will be a human being from King David’s family. The most widely-accepted list of Jewish beliefs is Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon’s thirteen principles of faith. He says that God exists, is one and unique, incorporeal and is eternal. Also, that prayer is to be directed to God alone, the words of the prophets are true, and that Moses was the greatest prophet, and his prophecies are true. The Torah was given to Moses and that there will be no other Torah. In addition to those, he says that God knows the thoughts and deeds of men, God will reward the good and punish the wicked, the Messiah will come, and that the dead will be resurrected (Basic beliefs of Judaism). Indeed, we have come to realize life’s emptiness without having faith. We may not entirely believe in a religion, but it still holds true that as human beings, our lives need direction and guidance. References About, Inc., A part of The New York Times Company. (2007). Basic Beliefs of Judaism. Retrieved January 01, 2007, from http://judaism. about. com/od/abcsofjudaism/a/beliefsbasic. htm About Buddhism. (2007). What is Buddhism. Retrieved January 01, 2007, from http://www. aboutbuddhism. org/what-is-buddhism. htm/ Adherents. (1998). Top 10 Organized Religions in the World. Retrieved January 01, 2007, from http://www. adherents. com/misc/rel_by_adh_CSM. html Religion Facts. (2004-2007). Hindu Beliefs. Retrieved January 01, 2007, from http://www.religionfacts. com/hinduism/beliefs. htm Religion Facts. (2004-2007). HinduRituals and Practices. Retrieved January 01, 2007, from http://www. religionfacts. com/hinduism/practices. htm Religious Tolerance. (2005-AUG-26). Hinduism A General Introduction. Retrieved January 01, 2007, from http://www. religioustolerance. org/hinduism2. htm Religious Tolerance. (2005-AUG-26). Buddhism based on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama. Retrieved January 01, 20 07, from http://www. religioustolerance. org/buddhism. htm